cinq: ten percent of your happiness comes from your neighbors
i guess this is one of those concepts we dont bother to think about often. The night is cold and windy in the desert . weather testing?.santana winds.? or desert demons ? ask an expert all i know is that it made for a perfect backdrop for an interesting question posed that would lead into a long converstation about cultural relations and human connections.Marco ask's me. are you mad at her ? interesting how blind i can be sometimes.blind as to what effect i have on people, and my interconnections to there lives.Marco sits next to me in geology class . we dont talk much .but last week i did lent him a dollar if it means anything. hes the nice guy type . fairly quite.he wants to be a police officer and has a lazy eye.Tonight he brings to my attention that my recent break up has been causing him much suffering. He tells me how unconfertable it is for him to sit next us now that we are no longer producing the ubundant playfull energy that once was.if it wernt such a brave and interesting question i would be gone now. The wind is intense and im getting sand in my eyes.Regardless ,at this point im smiling but not know i have been causing him discomfert. rather it is that type of smile you get on your face after falling off bike to realize that besides some scraps and scratches you are ok . the "im alive" smile .sometimes pain is a good reminder for present existence.The converstation of my break up and its interconection with him goes on for almost an hour. As we sit in his car old mexican boleros are playing. I think its "noche de requerdos" on 96.7. He begins to tell me stories of how it made him so happy to see us exchanging smiles while we shared lunch together or walked to class. And now he feels as if though something is missing.like a part of his life has been rudley ripped away from him. I dont really have much to say but thank you. it is clear that things are much larger than oneself. some one is always watching.