a The concept of a bar is to provide individuals a meeting place with plenty of social lubricants by which to engage more freely in conversation . Originally this concept served in providing the alternate meeting places for working class groups to decide and deliberate on issues affecting them and there communities . But as stress continues to build in our life's bars are becoming places that are less about the community building and more about consumption paired with displaced anger and social destitution brought upon by an individualist cultural demand. Barn None is a two part project . this first part was framed as an interventionist effort where two groups of artist including Sarah Valentine and Chris Granillo provided impromptu collaborative drawings. the drawings covertly redirected the bar goers attention from beers and shots to pencils and paper. simultaneously redefining the uses of a bar space as well as producing culture through exchange of ideas and personal philosophies.
part two of the project was a social sculpture constructed at California College of the Arts . The guerrilla installation reclaimed an underutilized space connected to the graduate studios on the Oakland Campus that was then used as a bar that served drinks during class hours and encouraged student involvement.